Launching A Return To Presence!

Launching A Return To Presence!

Oh my, oh my!!!! I am sooooooo EXCITED to introduce you all to my sacred space, private FB group : A RETURN TO PRESENCE! It’s such an honor to share with you all the story of creating this space. 4 days before my birthday, which is today, i had a dream from which i awoke with a desire to jot down information that was coming through me. Since i had a couple of transmissions before, i recognized the energy and i grabbed my phone, open the notes section and automatically wrote that my work will take a new direction, my mission will be shared with soul brothers and sisters that are being called NOW to heal and carry the Warrior Light work further, to create a ripple effect in raising our collective consciousness! I was given the name of the group, A Return To Presence, the monthly membership of $11 (which was shown to be the “affordable” energetic exchange that creates commitment to self and no excuses for by passing the call) and the gifts that will be given as giveaway for raising the joy level. I am honored to introduce you all to this sacred space, where you will find the outmost level of integrity, live videos, self healing tools and a place to check in, each and every time when getting out of your head, feels impossible to do on your own. We are the self healers of the 21 century, we are in this together! And if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL!

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