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Tag: holistic

FEAR can’t exist in a state of present awareness!

FEAR can’t exist in a state of present awareness!

Today’s episode is a “hands on” understanding of how we can bust through fears and live fulfilled lives, based on wholeness and presence. We are meant for greatness, not living in fear and scarcity, but as with everything good in life, it takes discipline and practice. Start considering having a supportive practice that allows for love, compassion and joy, versus depression, anxiety and unconscious fears. And if no one told you today, I love you!

Worrying and stressing? Do this instead!

Worrying and stressing? Do this instead!

What if a simple practice could totally and radically improve your life? Would you try it? Comment below 🙂 Aaaannd, if no told you today…you are MAGICAL my friend! In 2019 I was divinely guided to write the words found in the Awaken The Magic within YOU course. It was a transmission! After 11 Ayahuasca ceremonies (was a retreat) and several spiritual growth camps, I felt like a clear vessel through which Pure Consciousness poured through. It was magical to…

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