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Tag: meditation

FEAR can’t exist in a state of present awareness!

FEAR can’t exist in a state of present awareness!

Today’s episode is a “hands on” understanding of how we can bust through fears and live fulfilled lives, based on wholeness and presence. We are meant for greatness, not living in fear and scarcity, but as with everything good in life, it takes discipline and practice. Start considering having a supportive practice that allows for love, compassion and joy, versus depression, anxiety and unconscious fears. And if no one told you today, I love you!

Day 3 of 7 Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

Day 3 of 7 Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

Last night was rough and was almost on the brink of an anxiety attack…but the self awareness practice came in handy. And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Offers: Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 FREE Facebook group: Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

Creating from Presence versus Ego

Creating from Presence versus Ego

Creating from presence versus ego, allows for our human consciousness to once again tap into the spaciousness of our soul! Life’s lesson will no longer be labelled by the Mind as challenges against us, but lessons MEANT FOR us to evolve! I hope it brings onto a new perspective. And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Offers: Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 A Return To Presence – membership community for $33/month Link to scheduling…

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Taking your power back! Surrender!

Taking your power back! Surrender!

Surrendering is HEALING! It is not a weakness!! Surrendering to the present moment’s flow, life unfolds with ease and grace! Resisting this flow creates pain and suffering! And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Link to Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 Link to the A Return To Presence Community! $33/month Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

Emotional Pain and HOW to release it!

Emotional Pain and HOW to release it!

Remember, no matter how the mind perceives the present moment, whether is good or bad, it’s ephemeral! Therefore, the mantra to getting out of a specifically hard moment is: “this too shall pass!” And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Link to Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $44 until 05/15/2021: Link to the A Return To Presence Community! $22/month until 05/15/2021 Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

The power of speaking the truth!

The power of speaking the truth!

Inspired by a paragraph from Intention by Yung Pueblo! And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Link to Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $44 until 05/15/2021: Link to the A Return To Presence Community! $22/month until 05/15/2021 Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

What we resist, persists!

What we resist, persists!

As per Eckhart Tolle’s words: “The secret to finding the deeper level in the other, is finding the deeper level in yourself. Without finding it in yourself, you cannot see it in the other.” Today’s episode will dig deeper into this truth. And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Link to Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $44 until 05/15/2021: Link to the A Return To Presence Community! $22/month until 05/15/2021 Link to scheduling…

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A man, a mountain and a mantra!

A man, a mountain and a mantra!

A beautiful story that highlights the power of practice! And mostly, Be-ing consistent with our practice! And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Link to Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $44 until 05/15/2021: Link to the A Return To Presence Community! $22/month until 05/15/2021 Link to scheduling a FREE call with me: