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Tag: motivation

Shamanism For Healing

Shamanism For Healing

Core shamanism provides us, modern humans of 21 century, with sacred tools that can help us navigate life’s challenges with ease and grace. Shamanic Journey is a healing modality to bring ancestral wisdom into our lives, while Spirit Animal Shamanic Journey, allows for using the energy of the animals, to overcome difficulties in our lives. I hope this episode sheds some more light on how shamanic practices aid with healing, trust and awakening. Sacred Offers: Shamanic Journey – 1 week…

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Self Healing and Shamanic Presence

Self Healing and Shamanic Presence

Its been quite the week! The energies were wonky, all over the place, but I managed to get out safely and come to great realizations. I truly believe that the next paradigm shift in HEALING CONSCIOUSNESS is SELF-HEALING! Comment or contact me if you resonate! And…if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Offers: Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 FREE Facebook group: Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

The perception of TIME

The perception of TIME

First and foremost I apologize for the sound quality of this episode, as i forgot to connect the microphone to the laptop. I didn’t delete and re-record it as I was very present with what came through, in the moment. Time is a manmade concept when we calculate the seconds, the minutes, etc…but what if we allow time to be this fluid energy that carries us through the experiences, events and life in general? What if we don’t judge time,…

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Day 7 of 7 Of Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

Day 7 of 7 Of Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

I completed my 7 days water fast last night at 7 pm. It was an incredible journey overall and i hope you enjoy this episode! Offers: Shamanic Journey Bundle – $333 1.5H live session and 1 week of Voxer Support for integration Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 FREE Facebook group: Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

Day 3 of 7 Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

Day 3 of 7 Water Fast for Spiritual Insight

Last night was rough and was almost on the brink of an anxiety attack…but the self awareness practice came in handy. And, if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL! Offers: Awaken the Magic Within YOU Program! Only $111 FREE Facebook group: Link to scheduling a FREE call with me:

Day 1 of 7 WATER FAST for spiritual insight!

Day 1 of 7 WATER FAST for spiritual insight!

!!! I am not a medical doctor nor a specialist in the medical field, therefore I do not advise nor suggest that anyone would try a water fast without extensive research and/or doctor supervision!!! I am embarking on this journey after 4 years of experimenting with fasting and intermittent fasting and this time around, I felt intuitively nudged to do it for spiritual growth. So, come along for the ride and we shall see what happens. And, if no one…

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