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Tag: motivation

What is Truth?

What is Truth?

Truth, for me, is not a definition of something, it’s a visceral feeling! It’s subtle yet powerful and it fuels my soul when I am walking in truth, speaking my truth, being one with TRUTH! I’d be lying to say that I can use specific words to describe Truth. All I can do is BE-ing aware of what I practice when living in truth and with truth! No more judgement, no expectations, no constant needs or wants, no fear, no…

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We are not separate from God/Source/Universe!

We are not separate from God/Source/Universe!

We are meant to be great because we were born from greatness!!! Whoever tried to tell us differently, did not have pure intentions! We carry the divine spark within, “the Holy Spirit”, we just need to remember!!!Listen to this episode with an open heart and if no one told you today: “YOU ARE MAGICAL”!

Healing happens in the PRESENT MOMENT!

Healing happens in the PRESENT MOMENT!

Most stagnant trauma may be arising at any given moment, we don’t know exactly when or what may trigger yet another PTSD episode or a panic attack. So, it’s important to have self healing tools ready to go when we are getting emotionally bombarded. By taking off to a retreat or going somewhere secluded for a while may help, but in my experience, when I was ready for whatever the present moment may bring on an emotional level, I won…

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Inspiration – Ask yourself often…Am I resonating with “this” on a cellular level?

Inspiration – Ask yourself often…Am I resonating with “this” on a cellular level?

We live busy lives, mostly on auto-pilot, in a modern era overflowing with information. We are constantly exposed to information overload and rarely PAUSE and BREATHE in the present moment. We are absorbing information at a rate that sets our brain on mental imbalance. With this episode, I invite you to pause and decide for yourself if the information you come across, on a daily basis, holds meaning or you might just be on auto-pilot.

We are living an imperfectly PERFECT life!

We are living an imperfectly PERFECT life!

When we stop judging life’s experiences, as good or bad, when we realize that labeling everything around us brings on a lot of anxiety and takes us out of the present moment, we will shift into a more neutral way of perception and ultimately heal a lot of mind scenarios. If we pay close attention, everything happens for a reason, nothing is a coincidence, but synchronicity, therefore life’s challenges, aka lessons, are meant to happen, exactly the way they are,…

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TRUST your intuition over the voice in your head!

TRUST your intuition over the voice in your head!

We were born with the divine spark within, all of us, no exceptions! Not to mention that even our hearts, had been recently discovered, to having a similar make up as our brains, so it becomes more and more clearer that we do indeed have an inner compass that is directly connected to Universal Wisdom, we just got to learn to recognize it and trust it! When we follow the intuition nudge, we align ourselves with the Universe’s wisdom and…

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