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Tag: wellness

Stop chasing the “thing” and SURRENDER

Stop chasing the “thing” and SURRENDER

Awaken the OBSERVER within and hear your soul calling. How do we do that? By practicing stillness and surrendering to the present moment, not as a form of weakness, but personal and spiritual empowerment … and if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL!

My beautiful mind could’ve killed me!

My beautiful mind could’ve killed me!

If my brain is the muscle absorbing all the information from all my past lives and experiences, then my mind is a container, holding all these information. And we are talking about eons and eons of stored data, our minds are a vast database! However, when we engage the service of the spoke person of the mind, the EGO, and live life through our egocentric space, we are in trouble, at least I was! This episode details my story with…

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The Ego versus The Observer within!

The Ego versus The Observer within!

In this episode I will go over the difference in between living life through the ego’s voice, versus observing life and noticing our thoughts. If you are ready to living life in an energized and vibrant way, then this episode id for you! And, if no one told you today, you are MAICAL!

Divine Transmission of my own integration process!

Divine Transmission of my own integration process!

Last night, April 5, 2021 at 8:50 PM a visceral feeling came through my body and I felt prompted to document and share, how the integration of my self realization practice came to be realized. I am reading the transmission, so that the words used will be most accurate. If you resonate, please reach out, I would love to hear from you and where you are in your practice. And, if no one told you today, YOU ARE MAGICAL!…

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Why successful people tend to go into burn out?

Why successful people tend to go into burn out?

When we allow our mind to take over our soul, we take ourselves out of the present moment. Living life in our head is the most exhausting way of living, is not really living, but functioning on auto-pilot. We are stripped of joy, love and all the goodness that we can experience in the present moment. Are you ready to assess if you are too living in the mind versus the present moment?!? No matter what the answer is…if no…

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Healing the NEED of being right all the time!

Healing the NEED of being right all the time!

This one was a long time coming and took a lot of practice to let go of…we are deeply conditioned to believing our thoughts, that ultimately we form concepts and opinions that seem like they are the absolute truth. And that’s when we become attached to our need of being right and the need of being recognized as being “right” arises. Its a fine line in between the practice of speaking your truth and “being right” as a result of…

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Are we spiritual beings having a human experience?

Are we spiritual beings having a human experience?

Who are we? What are we meant to do on here, on this plane of existence? I hope this episode brings more clarity to this question, at least through the perspective of self realization. And ,if no one told you today, you are MAGICAL!!!

Don’t avoid the triggers, do THIS instead!

Don’t avoid the triggers, do THIS instead!

The battle is half way WON when we become observant enough to see a trigger coming, before going into rage town!!! I used to be a raging lunatic and my unhealed energy was attracting triggers after triggers…until one day when my mentor said a simple thing that clicked and completely shifted my perception: “DON’T EXHAUST YOURSELF ON ONE LESSON”!!!! And just like that everything shifted in my being and my self realization practice. I hope this episode will make a…

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How to get out of your head!

How to get out of your head!

We live busy lives, multitasking and fulfilling multiple to-do lists, day in and day out. Rarely we catch ourselves, how deeply emerged we are in our minds and living lives on auto pilot. Now, this would have been ok, if we would not feel exhausted and frustrated, constantly irritated and unhappy. When we live our lives in the mind, we take ourselves out of the present moment and that’s when emotional and physical drainage happens. Getting out of our head,…

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